[screencaps] Man Who Sets The Table episode 1

a story of a daughter's struggle to make her father proud of her...
a story of a couple who wants to separate...
a story of a man who grew up loved by his family and extended family...

a story of a man and woman who met by chance and had a misunderstanding...

Our main otp
Lee Ru Ri & Jung Tae Yang

The parents of RuRi
Her father wants nothing but success.

But in the middle of the competition she failed him. She had a leg cramp..
Which can cause her, her life.

But her father was not concerned of the reasob why she had to stop in the middle of swimming.

All he wanted was her to be number 1.


I felt her heartbreak. She lost her father's trust in her capability.
But then he is a harsh father. His standard of love is pathetic.

Jung Tae Yang
A nice young man.
A man who smiles even at strangers like this saleslady.

He is also kind.❤

But his kindness can be misunderstood. He was concerned by Ru Ri's skirt caught at the door of the train. He can't catch her attention to tell her about it that is why he alone went to pull the skirt.

A task not easy to do.
This should have been fun but his action can be easily misunderstand.

He was caught in the act.

And soon all the around him called him pervert.

Bad luck must be on his side...
A thermos of hot water scalding him...

And his private part!
Surely it scalds like a fire burning.


Poor Jung Tae Yang

Ru Ri was late anyway to her interview.
This girl could not catch a break.

At the hospital...
Good thing it is still okay.👍

  His mother

Ru Ri's cheating boyfriend caught in the act with a girl.😡😡😡

The kind of namja that you would want to kick and slap and tell your oraboenie/oppa

Father is retiring.
Mother is having a rough time playing the role of submissive wife.
She soon will have enough of this kind of life.

The in laws...
Wife of Ru Ri's oppa
The fashionista mother in law

Another couple who has nothing in common. Love is questionable and seems one sided.
Yup..he married her because she has money to get him a clinic to practice medicine.

She is a shame to his stiff personality.
She acts like a child and without proper decorum.
It was his father's retiring day.

A proposal of marriage graduation.

The timing is always off for this kind of event.
While celebrating his retirement..
While he plans his future...
A vacation in a cruise...

She.not listening but contemplating when to give him the papers.

Ru Ri in Guam..
All along her father thought she is working in an office.

But she is using her knowledge in swimming and working part time in a hotel and resort.

The moment came
Her decision to separate with her husband.

Surprised and shocked..
His anger came rushing.


In love💕

Jung Tae Yang' mom and her husband flirting at home.

And the kids rolled their eyes.
A sight too familiar already.

The manager would soon come.

But then..
Oh oh...
This was that man!

This was that woman!

And on lookers were confused of the situation...

He dragged her to go with him somewhere they could talk.
Well he has a lot to say.

A big misunderstanding she now only learned.

And she wanted to extend her work here.😭

She heard the news.
That man became...


While he is seriously fine😂😂😂
Sexy bod here😈

Flexing muscles ready to excersice more...

And she thought..




What is this? He on top of her?

And so the intense moment happens so fast between our otp.

Well i love the chemistry and their background story.
Looking for more development of their loveline.



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