[mslee's thoughts] GIF - Highlights of The K2 Episode 15

Because the story was reaching it's climax that's why viewers were given a treat watching the best episodes of the drama The K2 starting from episode 15. All scenes were amazing and it was not Je Ha who I was really watching it for. The siblings, President Choi and Yoo Jin [played excellently and brilliantly by Lee Jung Jin and Song Yoon A] alone stole the spotlight from K2. Every lines they exchanged were great, their expressions and how they portrayed their calculating schemes were fantastic. Of course, for me, Yoo Jin was the core of the story. Anyone who had a scene with her shines just because the writer and the director gave her so much importance and a very deep character. Yes she was the villain, not going to justify her evil commands, because nothing can excuse them, not even her pitiful past. Every person has the choice of what to do, evil or good.

Having said that, I praise for how the writer created Yoo Jin. A very interesting character and I think no one could have done the job better than Song Yoon A. She was perfect.

While most viewers were saying that Yoona's character was useless, I think she was the needed pawn in the complicated story to make the grab for power even more interesting. Without her as Anna, her father would not be trapped in the marriage [this is how I see it], Yoo Jin would never had the greatest pain and sufferings because of her existence as the child born from her cheating husband, her uncle President Choi would have nothing to use against Yoo Jin, and even the cunning and greedy assemblyman Park Gwan Soo [Kim Kap So] would not have enough to go against Yoo Jin.

Yes, Anna is a weak character but that was what her role calls for to make the other characters go around her and find her weakness their strength against their opponents. It was not useless after all because in the climax of the story, Anna was the weapon everyone was trying to get their hands on to make it alive in the end.

Highlights of the episode...

trapped inside the Cloud 9, the place where Pres. Choi wanted to conquer or destruct, but Yoo Jin was too smart for him, after all she is his noona! The command can only come from her and Je Ha who was still recuperating from his wound.

Even this exchange of witty conversation with Park Gwan Soo was entertaining. 
Who can win the word war is the name of the game.

Lee Jung Jin made his character very much appealing with his dry sense of humor. I love this guy. I'm a fan!
Playing it cool and not easily rattled. He can bounced back with that smile, yes, charismatic smile which hides the greedy nature of his personality.
Well, not quite.

But Yoo Jin was one step ahead of him no matter what.
Yes he brought the activated bomb but everyone was trapped and nowhere to go unless he deactivate it but from the situation, Yoo Jin preferred to offer money to onlookers for his head.

Perhaps to threaten him...
to let him know who has the real power..

Anna was captured.
Another twist that made the drama awesome.
Guess everyone sat on the edge of their seats watching this twists and turns.

Was he a father or a politician?

Until the end, nothing was concrete when it comes to his real intention.
The writer has hidden Jang Se Joon's true heart making it hard for viewers to guess if he was a bastard father or not.

Je Ha fighting to get close to Anna.
But she was not there. She was already in Cloud 9.

Anna escaping the route to Cloud 9 with the ahjussi.

Realization came!
With that hand over her mouth, she finally recognized the same man who did this to her years ago when she found her mother sprawled on the floor, dead.
A scary realization. She trusted this ahjussi. 

Was it enough that he was only instructed to feel alright and let the past go?

Time was running out. Je Ha learned about the bomd and how it could never be deactivated once turned on.

Frustrating, yes?

Je Ha must have felt helpless in that moment.

Episode 15 was epic and the conclusion was more amazing. Will share gif and some thoughts when I find the time again.

this is mslee1107 posting


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