[mslee's thoughts] GIF Glamorous Temptation Episode 3 Highlights

The episode where betrayal and schemes happened.

This is frustrating for me because Sang Yi is not what she seems to be. She is cunning and calculating. She used her friendship to Eun Soo to make her feel guilty of her relationship with Hyung Woo. That kiss Sang Yi witness made Eun Soo guilty.

Sang Yi is coveting the sewing machine Hyung Woo intends to give to his future wife.

The congressman is slowly wrapping up things so he can proceed with his plans. He is using his driver to make dummy accounts to hide slush funds. It's a pity that Eun Soo's father although knows that it is illegal can't do anything but help the congressman as a show of loyalty.

Congressman making copies of coded documents regarding the slush funds.
Then burning the transaction books were they were recorded. 

Hyung Woo continue to chase Eun Soo. She was trying to evade him so she won't hurt Sang Yi. But Hyung Woo is always there with them. Eun Soo's friendship towards Sang Yi is sincere that's why it makes it irritating for me to see through Sang Yi.

Hyung Woo's confession and his special gift to Eun Soo. 
The sewing machine.

Sang Yi saw it all.

A greedy heart will do anything to achieve what she wants. For the things that she plans, Eun Soo will suffer. She likes Hyung Woo enough to damage Eun Soo and to make her disappear. The congressman never realized that his actions were monitored by Sang Yi.

The documents are in her hands.

How come it came to be in Eun Soo's possession? Inside her bag? Who else would put it there?

The sad thing was that even if they were honest to bring the papers back to the congressman, they were accused of stealing the documents and harming them. No one believe Eun Soo is innocent.

Hyung Woo argued with his mother. His father scolded him. I think the father also knew Eun Soo is innocent somehow but he was agitated of how it happened.

At least, the congressman believed in them...
after some pondering.

Talking about their future. Both knew Hyung Woo's mother disapprove of her. But Hyung Woo has his plans already for the both of them.

The elder

The congressman told about the missing documents containing the coded slush funds. The elder was anxious that it will affect him too.

The Kidnapping

Hyung Woo's mother was behind it.
She did not believe Eun Soo and his father when they told that they did not know how the papers were found in her bag. She was blackmailing the driver to produce the missing pages in exchange for Eun Soo.

How does a father who are helpless to do in this situation? When he was told that the congressman was the one who ordered the kidnapping?  It was like betrayal of trust between them. His loyalty for the past ten years seems nothing. His daughter is in danger.

Prosecutors arrived at the congressman's house the next day. He was charged with kidnapping and hiding slush funds through borrowed name which Eun Soo's father submitted through the bank accounts under his name.

Escaping the kidnappers
Miraculously, Eun Soo escaped. But she was captured again and put inside the van. later she was able to ran away again and the kidnappers let her. 

Confrontation inside the prosecutors office

Eun Soo back in the house.

The congressman knew it was his wife who did it.But he claimed her sin as his.

A message was shown to the congressman. Apparently, coming from the elder.
A command?

Hyung Woo and his father

His father asked him not to do politics in the future.

Hyung Woo and Eun Soo

How to end this mess?
How to protect his family?

The only solution is to commit suicide.
Then the prosecutors won't proceed anymore. The case will be close. No one will be harmed, least of all the elder.

The aftermath
How will they all deal with the congressman's death? Who will feel the most guilty? Who will be blamed?

A compelling drama that awaits revenge.
This will surely be the beginnings of a tough ordeal for Eun Soo and her family.



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